Press articles

Robotic solutions for controlling your drinking water network

Press articles

Press articles

  • Acwa Robotics selected by Next Top 20!
    Acwa Robotics selected by Next Top 20!
    ACWA ROBOTICS / April 4, 2024
    Club Top 20 and French Tech Aix-Marseille have launched the Next Top 20 in 2022 program to strengthen links between start-ups and large corporations in the region. The aim of this collaboration is to respond to a challenge of national sovereignty in the tech and innovation ecosystem. Acwa is proud to have been selected alongside 4 other innovative companies, out of 61 applicants!

    Read the full article here: Link article
  • Acwa is the laureate of the 3rd promotion of the ETIncelles program!
    Acwa is the laureate of the 3rd promotion of the ETIncelles program!
    ACWA ROBOTICS / May 20, 2024
    Launched in 2023 by the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, this scheme aims to support growth SMEs to maximize their potential, with a view to becoming medium-sized companies.

    Discover the press release here
  • Article from the French media 'Les Echos'
    Article from the French media 'Les Echos'
    CES 2023 - Acwa Robotics, the French water up and coming company, causes a sensation at the show

    'With its articulated robot that inspects pipes, the Aix-en-Provence-based start-up has won three innovation awards. It is starting to roll out its solutions in France, but is already looking to the international market... '
  • Electroniques
    « Acwa Robotics was born out of the 'increasing scarcity of water resources, due in particular to obsolete networks and low yields. In France, the objective in terms of yields is to deliver 80% of the water drawn, against a loss of 20%. In practice, we're a long way from achieving this... »
  • Acwa robotics inspects pipes
    Acwa robotics inspects pipes
    «Jean-François Rossi and Jean-François Guiderdoni bring to life their intelligent pipe-sounding robot...»

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